Thank you to a Woman of no importance!

(Sorry guys this one cannot be passed on!)

Mega, mega thanks for all your kind thoughts and words and, and, and last but not least, the awards... I would like to pass these on to the following (my long suffering blog correspondents) - in no particular order:
French Fancy, Catharine Withenay, A woman of no importance, Ladybirdworld Mother, Troy, Dumdad, The Dotterel, Maggie May, Suburbia, Rosiero, Crystal Jigsaw, Expatmum, Postcards - Mike Harling, Fat, Frumpy and Fifty, Lakeland Jo, Keep Bloggering On!, Yorkshire Pudding, Arthur Clewley, Nappy Valley Mum, Completely Alienne, Strawberry Jam Anne, authorblog, tarte tartan, Living the dream in France (not)!, A Modern Mother, Grumpy old Ken, Little Brown Book, Dulwich Divorcee, Diary of a Desperate Exmoor Woman, Clippy Mat, Sandi McBride, That British Woman, Rural Villager, Sage, Don't Panic RTFM, Flower Fairies, Reluctant Memsahib,softintheheadblog Potty Mummy, The Green Grass Grows All Around, The view from the high peak, Mickle in NZ, Sticky Fingers, Mom/Mum and to new comers: Kestrel, Jo Beaufoix, Kitty and Saco Harry
If you already have some/all/none of the above awards (and please help yourselves to any or all of them)....I've made you one especially:
Thank you to you all for popping by to my blog when I've been so busy of late (for four months!!).
I'm working with a wind-up laptop computer (with 16MB of RAM apparently) which allows me to make 0.5 "blog" comment per day (sic) so unless I win the lottery* or dig up some Roman Remains*/ Anglo Saxon Artefacts*/ Burglar's Booty*
(* = I'm not particularly fussy)...I really will get to you in the end................
BTW I am declaring an awards amnesty after this post...because I really do not want to distinguish between any of you.........you are all wonderful!!!! (I'm EXCEEDINGLY sorry if I've missed anyone out.)
BTWW I have a love/hate affair with blogging (already declared). Each day I swear I am going to give it up and each day I'm here yet again. I will be - unless my legs drop off that is.
Blogger just ate my comments!
I shall proudly accept the wonderful award with the scroll, and your fab map, Hadriana!
My, what energies you have and what you manage to achieve, girl! I hope you continue to enjoy your Roman Wall adventures and volunteering! And good luck with the guest house - It looks great... And the run! x
Yes AWNI: Blogger seems to be playing up today...I will let you know about the new map as I left something off (the important bit!)..Glad you like it...;)
I have had a lot trouble leaving comments on some sites recently - there are a few I just cannot leave comments on so I hope you are not one of those.
I think your personal award is lovely; thank you!
Lovely award!!! Thank you hugely... I so feel the same about blogging but in the end, I love it really... BTW well done with all your endeavours. I think that blogging is such bloomin hard work when life is busy busy busy.
Thanks again!!!X
thank you Hadriana x
You're too kind, Hadriana - thank you. And good luck treasure hunting!
I am happy to get the awards- I haven't had one for ages. I will scatter a few around too to encourage global good will.
Thanks Hade but my Fancy awards are not for passing on - they are just for named awardees (pompous? Moi?) x
Hi CA...great to hear from you again. I'm attempting to do the rounds again and yes..I've been fighting with Blogger!
Glad you feel the same way LBWM. Sometimes I think I take on too much at times.
You are welcome, Reluctant M!
Thanks, The Dotterel, I will be over soon. Maybe I am being too liberal with awards but I hate picking and choosing - it reminds me too much of the "picking and choosing for the school sports team". (Hope this makes sense.)
Lakeland Jo..you are more than welcome. I'll pop over to yours soon to see where you are at with the diet.
Dearest FF, I feel as if I've committed a major faux pas. Can you forgive me? I do treasure your personal award most highly. I've edited the blog to make this clear...that it is: hands off folks! A very big sorry. I do like blogging but there are some drawbacks with it...like there are no facial gestures etc. to go with it so one stumbles around a bit. I feel as if I have just done that now. :(
THank you! I realise my update thingy widget hasn't been telling me when you've put pen to paper, so I'm a little behind...glad to hear B&B going well. Don't forget to tell the bank to treat shareholders with respect... floreat Hadriana
NB...You are just TOO kind. I keep wondering how much to say/reveal about our finances. I change my mind every day and minute. When it all gets too much I'll probably blab it all out. What's Roman for "a blab blog"? Must find out. Also love the line "floreat Hadriana"...hmmm...maybe it can be my logo? Hx
Thank you very much for the great award. Much appreciated.
That is a pretty cool award! Thank you for thinking of me.
Hope everything's going well over the other side of Northumberland
CJ xx
THANK YOU! Glad all is well with you apart from being rushed off your feet that is!
Thank you so much. And you'll have to look out for a bunch of doing Hadrian's Walk next year. 84 miles in 6 days. We might have to pop in for a cuppa. :D
Maggie...no problem at all!
Hello, CJ, we must meet up one of these days...
Suburbia...yes..I think I'll have to calm down (a bit).
Jo...Absolutely fantastic that a bunch of you are walking the wall. Please feel free to contact us via e-mail if you need any help planning your trip. We've only been up here since 2003 but a few people who've stayed with us have commented on how much we know about the Wall area already! No strings attached....completely free advice. (Plus we are friendly people too!) :)
And Jo, please DO, pop in for a cuppa...be great to meet up and have a chat! Hx
Hadriana, lovely post an generous too.
I often think that blogging puts a pressure on very busy bloggers...
I havent wanted to quit blogging, as it allows me to enhance my would be diary entries.
although the only pressure l feel is that like most of my hobbies, noone in my immediate family 'get it'
Have you tried this quiz:
Thank you so much Hadriana for including me in the awards. I shall gladly accept your wonderful map award. Have just come back from holiday so a very pleasant surprise. A x
FFF...I love blogging it's just that I can't give it the time it deserves...but I do my best :) It doesn't matter if your immediate family don't get it. We enjoy what you write and I love the fact that your mum blogs too.
NB: I did the quiz and got 7 out of 7! I am "nulli secundus" !! (Second to none...or should that be nulli secunda?) School swot or what? I only looked up one thing just to double check it...hey...not bad for not having looked at much Latin since I was 18! What did you get?
SJA: Am very happy that you like the award. Be over soon. Hope you had a good holiday.
ooh lovely. Now, which one shall i have?
thanks Hadriana :-)
Congratulations on all the awards. Loved that photo too.
a laptop that you wind up is still better than the on I have which winds ME up hadriana
Thanks so much for the award - most honoured :)
glad to see you back to blogging.....
Gill in Canada
Clippy Mat...hey...yours for the taking!
Debs...just happy to see you here. Still cursing that it's taken me ages to get over to yours. Better late than never.
I'm intrigued, gingerfield, YES, mine winds me up too. Many is the time that I've wanted to throw it out of the window. A big "hi" to sortinthe head, Mike H and Gill in Canada. Yes I'm happy to be back too. I've missed it.
merci x love your new photo. it has probably been up there for ages but I am afraid (feeling v guilty) I haven't been blogging in quite while. nice to pop in and see how things are going. off to read some of your older posts now.
Welcome back - and congratulations on the awards!
Merci...to TT and to David. Am going to make it clear that the photo credit absolutely belongs to David Taylor...his website is listed on my blog further down.
Thanks so much for the award.
I must admit to blog burntout sometimes. And I tend to read more than I comment on these days because, well I just don't have the time to get round everywhere otherwise!
And to top it all, I've tagged you at mine. Stop tutting now . . .
Thank you Tara...I'll be over soon with my tuts in check!
Thanks so much, Hadriana, how lovely! Like yours particularly xx
BLESS YOU and thank you so much as I stumble along your red carpet! xx
No problem at all, DD and Mom/Mum!
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