Snow in our back garden (of the B&B
This looks very reminiscent of those snowy scenes in "Peanuts" when Snoopy has snow on his kennel. This time the birds have got their fair share...
A bridge in Longbyre (our hamlet)
This is the section of Hadrian's Wall just down our road - on top of a railway embankment (now disused)

And a close up...

The "Vallum" just over the way. It is in shadow but it comes up in stark relief. It is the ditch and should be called "Fossa" but the Venerable Bede got his Latin mixed up back in the 800s. (Happens to the best of us!). "Vallum" actually means "Wall" and "Fossa" means "Ditch". It is still called "The Vallum" to this day...

Gigantic Swiss Rolls (see my last post...also posted today)...... (just been reminded that they are, in fact, "Artic Rolls"....of course........)

I'm wearing my hat purchased in Hungary and it's coming in handy!

Fancy a bath anyone?

Looking down at Longbyre from the top of the hill...our B&B is on the bottom right at the edge of the hamlet.
Walking the dog...even he looks a tad cold!
School is off! Meetings are off! Is the tax return off????????
This looks very reminiscent of those snowy scenes in "Peanuts" when Snoopy has snow on his kennel. This time the birds have got their fair share...
And a close up...
Gigantic Swiss Rolls (see my last post...also posted today)...... (just been reminded that they are, in fact, "Artic Rolls"....of course........)
I'm wearing my hat purchased in Hungary and it's coming in handy!
Looking down at Longbyre from the top of the hill...our B&B is on the bottom right at the edge of the hamlet.
School is off! Meetings are off! Is the tax return off????????
Nevertheless we are very happy playing in the snow and enjoying the warmth. Cheers everyone!
Lovely pictures Hadriana. It must have taken ages to upload them all (she says bitterly remembering just how long she sat around waiting while doing her own last week). There is something magical about snow pictures - I am sick of the stuff itself, but I never tire of actually looking at it.
Beautiful beautiful photos that can only come from being in such a beautiful place x
Lovely photographs...there was something about you in that hat which made me think of the retreat from Moscow.....
I did laugh at the descriptive notice about Thirlwall Castle....'a family home'.....well, in a manner of speaking, but doesn't it conjure up some edwardian villa rather than the reivers' stronghold.
My young cousin was addicted to theose swiss roll things...if you wanted to keep her quiet you just produced them...peace at any price.
Hope you're enjoying yourself with the enforced break.
Great photos. We don't have as much snow as that here but we're expecting a load tomorrow. But snow in the city ain't quite as pretty as snow in the country.
Great photos. It certainly looks deep up there. We have about 6 inches down here and more forecast. You hamlet looks lovely but I guess impassable in this weather.
Great photos - I especially like the giant swiss rolls (made me quite hungry). We still get "Artic Rolls" of vanilla ice-cream wrapped with sponge.
You can see why Hadrian's Wall was a hardship posting for the centurians. Mind you, I've never understood why they built with cut away walls and roofs but the drawings always clearly show they did.
Beautiful photos - thank you. Here we are cold, but not so snowy.
I understand Arctic Rolls are making a comeback: back in production, probably so those of us of a certain age can indulge their childhood memories!
CA - It didn't take too long. I've finally sussed out how to do it. It's only taken me 1.5 years!!!
Thank you Kelloggsville :)
Fly - Retreat from Moscow? I'm laughing now because we went shopping in Haltwhistle yesterday and it did remind me of my time in Budapest!
Dumdad - does look (here comes the cliche) as pretty as a picture. I'll have enough "snowy" pictures to last us a lifetime at this rate.
Rosiero - it is just about passable. They haven't gritted our little main street and it is in a dip so it can be a bit tricky if you are not using a 4 x 4. We have two "normal" cars and one's battery is quite dead!
Troy and Catharine...yes..of course.."Artic Rolls" - how could I forget?! Silly me. Thank you for the prompt. I'm not sure if the word "gourmandeuse" exists either. Is it "gourmeuse"..but that doesn't sound right......
Troy..The Romans still had the better of us for centuries. They'd sussed windows with glass which went out of fashion until 1500s or 1600s? Not sure. Must check!
Apparently more snow is expected tonight and over the weekend - so we shall see.
The schools are shut for "reasons of health and safety" apparently. i.e.: playgrounds are too slippery.
A few people we know are running out of fuel supplies. They either have a tank of oil or liquid propane gas and are awaiting supplies from tankers.
The rubbish hasn't been collected for weeks.
There was panick buying in Haltwhistle yesterday.
The main roads like the A69 are being gritted...but that is about it. Laughable really when we have the main salt mine over in Cleveland (Cleveland Potash)!!!
The post is still being delivered though. Good old Royal Mail! Long may it continue...
"panick" buying...forget the "k". I think my mind is freezing up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gorgeous, gorgeous pictures... thanks for those! I love that blue sky one and white white snow... looks amazing. Keep warm... glad to see you wrapped up all toasty like! xxx
Looks fantastic up there. Here in not-very-far-away Newcastle the snow is almost as impressive!
Personally, I'm loving all this snow, but then again, I do walk into work, so am basically unaffected.
Wonderful pics!
so glad someone is enjoying the snow!!!! happy new year Hadriana!!
Beautiful....thanks for posting.
It would be lovely if tax returns were snowed off, wouldn't it? But I bet the lovely people at the Inland Revenue are marching to work with gritted teeth, whatever the weather.
I love all of these photos Hadriana, such fun to look at and imagine you had fun taking them. Enjoy the snow - it seems it's all we can do anyway. Even we have had a load of it and we are right on the coast and rarely get any. Ax
Beautiful pictures. However, enough is enough.
Lets pray the white stuff melts soon.
Lets get back to normal.
Nuts in May
The snow looks nice but cold :-) Happy New Year to you all xx
Thank you, keep toasty too!
AOT..I like walking into work too. Better than those darned motor vehicles!
Thank you Lindsay, FFF, NVG, SJA, Maggie and Sage. I love the snow, Maggie, catching up on missed childhood experiences I think. Admittedly cabin fever is setting in...I think it will go on for a while yet....
One word, wonderful.
Stayed in the square in Allanstown?
in the motorhome a year or two ago. Would that have been possible this week?
looks like Canada, great the hat, thinking of getting a similar one for my brother for his birthday in February, thought he might like it.....
Gill in Canada
what a lovely set of wintry photos, Hade. It was great to see you a photo of you - you look lovely
Thank you Ken, Gill and FF. You are too kind! Hxx
Beautiful pictures...hope you made a snow angel...if not there may be a second chance later this week!
Hi NB,
Thank you for the photo compliment and am shocked...thought all the snow was over. We have a big thaw going on here.
Maybe there will be a chance for a Snow Angel of The North? :) H.
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