Bards in the Bar
Fancy a tipple while being entertained by a Bard or two?
Then why not join us at pubs along Hadrian's Wall.
8.00pm Tuesday 12th October 2010

ADMISSION FREE (Find Bards in the Bar on Facebook or www.northumberlandnationalpark.org.uk)

Hadrian’s Arts Trust, the organisation that brings arts activity and projects to Hadrian’s Wall World Heritage Site, has arranged a night of revelry in pubs right across Hadrian’s Wall from Newcastle to Carlisle.
On Tuesday October 12th at 8.00pm at pubs along Hadrian’s Wall, some of the region’s best contemporary poets and story-tellers will be entertaining the customers with wit, humour and imagination in the old traditional way – at the inn.
Raise a glass to stories and poems... at 8.00pm at the following venues:
* The Cluny, Newcastle with Malcolm Green and Chris Bostock
* The Bridge Hotel – Newcastle, with John Halliday
* The Robin Hood – near Matfen, with Peter Mortimer
* The Twice Brewed Inn - on the B6318, Military Road, Hadrian’s Wall above Bardon Mill, with Stevie Ronnie
* The Milecastle Inn – Cawfields, 8.00pm Maureen Almond
* The Greenhead Hotel – Greenhead, 8.00pm with Ellen Phethean
* Kings Head – Carlisle, 8.00pm – Penny Grennan
The choice of bards is wide and the quality high: Chris Bostock is a storyteller of great range and humour who includes in his repertoire local legends, great myths, ghost and fairy stories, jokes and ancient epics, in a style which is completely his own and is loved by his audiences.
Malcom Green has a deep love and wide knowledge of the natural world which is reflected in his choice of stories. He brings the world to life with his infectious enthusiasm for the life of birds and animals, coloured by his own observations of their lives. He has lived in places as far flung as Cameroon and Iceland and brings the textures of these places to his storytelling.
Peter Mortimer - poet, playwright, journalist and publisher, has lived in the North East for thirty years, and many of his books and plays have been published and performed here. His books include: The Last of the Hunters: Life with the Fishermen in North Shields; I Married the Angel of the North (poetry); Off the Wall: the Journey of a Play; Cool for Qat, which grew out of his commission to write a play about the 1930 Yemeni seamen's riot in South Shields; and Camp Shatila - a Writer's Chronicle.
Ellen Phethean runs Diamond Twig Press, which she founded with Julia Darling <http://www.diamondtwig.co.uk/people/julia.darling.html> . She also works as a poet, playwright and editor. She began performing her poetry and plays on radio and stage with The Poetry Virgins, a women's performance poetry group. Her work appears in Sauce <http://www.diamondtwig.co.uk/books/sauce.shtml> (Bloodaxe Books). Her first full collection, Breath, is published by Flambard Press <http://www.flambardpress.co.uk/books/show.php?book=1119&author=ellen.phethean> , and was shortlisted for the London New Poetry Award, 2009 <http://www.coffeehousepoetry.org/newsletter> .
Stevie Ronnie writes poems and stories that sometimes get published and read. He is currently completing PhD research at Newcastle University where he also teaches creative writing. A pamphlet of his poems, The Thing To Do When You Are Not In Love, was published by Sand/Red Squirrel Press in May 2008.
Maureen Almond: Since she began writing poetry seriously in 1992, Maureen Almond has published Hot (1997), Tailor Tacks (1999), Oyster Baby (2002), The Works (2004) and Tongues in Tees (2005). She has a strong interest in classical literature, particularly that of Horace, and her work is included in the Primary Texts Reading List for 'The Reception of Classical Literature in Twentieth Century Poetry in English' at Oxford University. In 2009 she collaborated with Glyn Goodrick and Lindsay Allason-Jones in Recollections, a volume of poetry and images inspired by the Roman collections in the Museum of Antiquities.
Bards in the Bar brings these and many other of the region’s leading lights in writing and performing to the comfortable social ambience of the local for the enjoyment of people who like to think while they drink.
This event is generously supported by The Northumberland National Park, Hadrian’s Wall Heritage Ltd and the Bards themselves.
For more information on poets and Hadrian Arts Trust go towww.hadrianartstrust.org
Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums has been nominated in the Arts & Business Awards 2010 for its partnership with John Lewis Newcastle during the Culture Shock project. Show your support and help us win the award by voting here. http://www.artsandbusiness.org.uk/Events/Awards/JaguarLandRover-ArtsandBusiness-Community-Young-people-award.aspx
Sounds fab. I wish I'd seen this before now as I'd have told a family member or two to go.
Sorry...expatmum for the late notice. I should have put this up before but I've been so busy. Will try harder next time! I couldn't go as I had a Governor's course in Hexham to go to. Hopefully next time! :)
Not sure which is worse - missing this by 18 hours or by 300 miles.
I'd forgotten the dry humour that is Troy (grin).
What a shame you'll be missing out, Hade.
Troy. I have to say...where would we be without the male sense of humour? I say that in the nicest possible way. I'd miss it hugely! :)
FF: Yes. I could have got there but had to let hubbie off baby sitting duties. Maybe he went. I must ask him.
I've been setting up our Twitter accounts today. Huge fun. Feel guilty having been at computer all day. Hey ho. Could be much worse! :) AND YES FF...must get there next time and I will give much better warning of it...either by blog or by "pipilare" - Twitter! ;)
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